About Armored Brigade Nation Pack: Czechoslovakia – Netherlands
Armored Brigade is a real-time tactical wargame, set in a hypotetical confrontation between NATO and Warsaw Pact Allies. As Cold War has turned hot, Europe is once again torn apart by conflict. With this expansion, two new nations, Czechoslovakia and Netherlands, are added to the cluster of armies of Armored Brigade. The new playable factions introduced by this expansion have different army compositions and organizational structures, adding more tactical options and giving more complexity on the operational level: CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Prior to the 1968 intervention Czechoslovak People’s Army was well-regarded both in capability and reliability, and Czechoslovakia was the only Warsaw Pact member that did not have any Soviet forces stationed on its soil up to that point. Offensive warfare was seen as the essential and principal form of combat and the chief instrument to achieve victory over the enemy. NETHERLANDS: During the Cold War, the Royal Netherlands Army (Koninklijke Landmacht) was committed to two main tasks in the NATO context: participation in the defense of West Germany against ground attacks across the North German Plain, known as “forward strategy”, and ensuring the territorial security of the Netherlands itself and vital lines of communication.
How to Download and Install Armored Brigade Nation Pack: Czechoslovakia – Netherlands
Armored Brigade Nation Pack: Czechoslovakia – Netherlands PC Download
Password: www.gametrex.com
Armored Brigade Nation Pack: Czechoslovakia – Netherlands System Requirements
OS: Windows 7 / 8 / 10 Processor: 1 GHz RAM: 1 GB RAM Graphics: OpenGL 2.0 compatible video card with 512 MB VRAM Storage: 1 GB available space
Armored Brigade Nation Pack: Czechoslovakia – Netherlands Screenshots